15th World Textile Conference – AUTEX 2015, 10th to 12th June 2015

Romanian Chinese House support international conference, AUTEX 2015. This event will bring together international specialists from research institutes, universities or companies, and will provide an excellent opportunity for the exchange of the latest information and knowledge about the research of textiles.Autex Conference is happening at The National Military Circle Bucharest, Romania. Its a premier event in Business Services industry.
The AUTEX conference is already a brand in the field of textile research, and it is rapidly becoming the most wanted occasion for the International community to present their research and interact with other top Researchers, Scientists, Students and Industry.

Since 1995, when The “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași, through its Faculty of Textiles, Leather and Industrial Management first attended to AUTEX organization, its members have been actively involved in the life of the community and now becoming the organizers of the 15th Autex World Textile Conference, AUTEX 2015.

Among those who will give a speech or a presentation we will mention Zhuang Qinliang from Donghua University China on June 12th, Sun Danmei from Heriot Watt University, UK on June 11th, Wang Yuhua from The University of Manchester, UK, on June 11th, and Ms. Xiao Ming Tao from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, on June 10th.

Source: http://autex2015.ro/

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