A Farewell Reception in Honor of Ambassador Xu Feihong and Mme. Tan Yuxiu

EN: The Chinese Embassy held a farewell reception in honor of Ambassador Xu Feihong and Mme. Tan Yuxiu on May 15, 2018. Romanian PM, Deputies,  State Secretaries, the leadership of the Romanian – Chinese House, former Romanian Ambassadors to China, heads of foreign missions in Romania and over 100 people from Romania business community, think tanks, media agencies and the Chinese community attended the reception.

In his remarks, Ambassador Xu reviewed his experience in the past three years and expressed appreciation to the colleagues and people from all walks of life in Romania for their efforts in promoting China-Romania relations and the support accorded to him. He pointed out that the defining feature of China-Romania relations is the growing interconnectedness and interdependence. The development of bilateral relations, especially the expanding trade and investment ties have brought tangible benefits to the people of both countries.

On behalf of our Friendship Association, the Romanian Chinese House, Ambassador Donca thanked Ambassador Xu for his efforts in enhancing mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese and Romanian people.

Thank you for joining us in wishing Ambassador Xu the best of luck in his future endeavors!

Remarks by H.E. Xu Feihong, Chinese Ambassador to Romania at the Farewell Reception:

“Your Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen!

On 24 January 2015, my wife and I came to Romania, a country known as ‘the Corner of Heaven’. As time flies, we have already spent three years and four months here, and the mandate is about to be completed.

The tenure of office in Romania constitutes the most wonderful experience of our diplomatic life. My wife and I are fascinated by George Enescu’s ‘Romanian Rhapsody’, often immersed in sweet memories of the time when we walked along the riverbanks of Dambovita and beaches of the Black Sea, and enchanted by the Romanian unique history and charming culture. We love Romania.

Dear friends, my profession tells me that I must put aside the parting sadness and come back to office.

Three years and four months are short, but quite substantial for us. We have experienced many historical events in China-Romania relations.

The two Presidents met at the UN General Assembly, our Prime Ministers met at the ASEM and China-Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) summits, the two countries’ legislative bodies and political parties maintain close contacts, China-CEEC Political Parties Dialogue was successfully held in Romania.

The mutual trade volume rises from 4.75 billion to 5.6 billion US dollars. China General Nuclear Power Corporation signed with the Romanian Nuclearelectrica Group a memorandum of understanding on the nuclear project. The cooperation on the other major projects has been steadily advancing. The Centre for Dialogue and Cooperation on Energy Projects 16+1 is hosted by Romania, and the first China-CEEC energy ministerial conference and fair were held here last year. China has started to import Romanian frozen pork meat and alfalfa grass and opens the door for more Romanian agricultural products.

In China, Romania opened its Cultural Institute and held the fantastic ‘Treasures of Romania’ Exhibition. Here in Romania, the Confucius Institute and Chinese language classes have been vigorously developed. The Chinese Embassy sponsors the ‘Chinese Ambassador’s Scholarship’ and have held two awarding ceremonies. The Chinese Cultural Institute in Romania is preparing for Inauguration.

The happy events are always encouraging, and I will never forget our major investment projects are still under way, expecting tangible and cheering results. We need join hands together to work hard with enterprising spirit to make the cooperation operational at earliest time.

This year marks the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening up and the centennial of Romania’s Great Union. Next year will come the platinum jubilee of China-Romania diplomatic relations, the 15th anniversary of China-Romania comprehensive partnership of friendship and cooperation, and the EU Presidency for the first time by Romania. Both China-Romania and China-EU relations are facing sound opportunities. I am confident that we will seize these opportunities to strengthen strategic coordination and make more exciting cooperation. Collaborating on the platforms provided by the Belt and Road Initiative, China-CEEC Cooperation, China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership, we can make our ties strengthened and our friendship blossom.

Dear friends, over the past three years and four months, my wife and I have officially visited 22 Romanian counties. The colourful Carpathian Mountains, the charming Black Sea, the picturesque Danube Delta, as well as the Romanian splendid culture and history have deeply impressed us. Romania has rich tourism resources which are very attractive to travelers all around the world, including China. Last year, the Romanian Government simplified the visa formalities for Chinese citizens. This is a very important and positive measure to facilitate people-to-people exchanges. I highly appreciate this decision and express sincere gratitude to the Romanian authorities on behalf of my government. I am fully convinced that our relevant government departments and personalities will waste no time to promote tourism cooperation to a new level. And the strong commitment of mine and the Chinese Embassy to the China-Romania people-to-people bond will remain unchanged.

We have met with quite a lot of people of various circles in Romania, making a great many friends. We can feel the intimacy and sincerity from them all the time, without a little bit of psychological distance. They are our best and most respectful friends. We will miss them and keep the friendship with them deep in our hearts. These close friends have even made us take Romania as home and almost forget that we have been in a foreign country.

Here, please allow me take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to the Romanian government officials, businessmen, academics, researchers, journalists, cultural and NGO activities and so on for your precious and timely support and assistance to me and to my Embassy. It is you who have paved the way for the continuous progress of China-Romania relations and helped me do my job dutifully.

I would want to thank my fellow colleagues from the diplomatic corps as well. It is my great honour to work with you here in Romania, sharing unforgettable experiences and enjoying the beautiful moments.

The Chinese community are not big, but very energetic. I highly appreciate your promotion to the mutual trade and investment cooperation and look forward to your greater contribution to China-Romania relations.

I would also thank my embassy colleagues for your hard work and determination to support my duty as well as your professional dedication to the advancement of the relations with Romania.

Finally I would present my heartfelt thanks to my wife, Mme Tan Yuxiu. Romania is the fourth country for her to accompany me and she stayed with me in Afghanistan, making the hardship a pleasant episode for life. It is her interactions with the Romanian Women’s Organisations and ambassadors’ spouses that make our diplomatic life more lively and full of fun.

My wife and I will depart from Romania in ten days, taking home with many warm memories. We will start our new work and live in China, but will never forget our friends here. To say good-bye, may I quote Mihai Eminescu’s famous poem to express my best wishes to Romania:

What I wish you, dear Romania,

Land of peerless glory and bold aspiration:

Nervous arms, the weapon of strength,

To your great past, a great future!

May China and Romania enjoy great prosperity and China-Romania friendship last forever!”

RO: Excelenţa Voastră, domnule Ambasador,

Am avut deosebita onoare ca, în numele Casei Româno-Chineze, să vă fi oferit un mic dar care arată profunda noastră apreciere pentru toate eforturile pe care le-aţi întreprins pentru a susţine activităţile noastre pe parcursul mandatului Excelenţei Voastre. Fie ca această lucrare să vă reamintească întotdeauna de munca plină de dăruire pe care aţi desfăşurat-o la Bucureşti.

Colectivul Casei Romano-Chineze


Mai jos redam alocutiunea ambasadorului Xu Feihong la receptia cu ocazia incheierii misiunii

“Stimati domnilor ministri, parlamentari, ambasadori, doamnelor, domnilor si prietenilor,

Pe data de 24 ianuarie 2015, eu si sotia mea am sosit in Romania, tara cunoscuta si sub denumirea de “Colt de Rai”. Timpul zboara, se scurge si fara sa-mi dau seama au trecut trei ani si patru luni, iar postul nostru in Romania se va incheia.

Postul nostru in Romania cuprinde cele mai frumoase amintiri din viata noastra diplomatica. Eu si sotia mea sutem fascinati de “Rapsodia” lui George Enescu si ne amintitim mereu de plimbarile de pe Malul Marii Negre si de pe malul raului Dambovita, de farmecul unic al istoriei si culturii romanesti. Noi iubim Romania. Dragi prieteni, profesia mea ma face sa las deoparte tristete de despartire si sa ma intorc la treaba.

Cei trei ani si patru luni nu inseamna o perioada foarte lunga de timp, dar au fost consistenti. Am avut privilegiul de a fi partasul mai multor evenimente istorice in relațiile chino-romane de pana acum.

In timpul mandatului meu, cei doi sefi de stat s-au intalnit in timpul Adunarii Generale ONU. Șefii de guvern s-au intalnit de mai multe ori la summitul ASEMsi alformatului16+1 (China-Europa Centralasi de Est). Forurile legislative și partidele politice din cele doua tari au mentinut contacte stranse,”Dialogul Partidelor Politice China-Europa Centralasi de Est 2017” a avut loc cu succes in Romania.

Volumul schimburilor comerciale chino-romane a crescut de la 4,75 miliarde de dolari la 5,6 miliarde de dolari. Compania chineza CGN a semnat cu Societatea Nuclearelectrica memorandumul de intelegere privind proiectul nuclear, cooperarea dintre alte proiecte majore ale celor doua parti a progresat in mod constant; in Romania a fost infiintat un centru de dialog si cooperare in domeniul energiei in format 16+1; in Romania a avut loc primul targ si conferinta energetica 16+1; au inceput exporturile de lucerna si carne de porc in China, iar piata chineza e deschisa pentru mai multe produse agricole romanesti.

S-a deschis InstitutulCultural Roman la Beijing si a fost organizata o expoziție de comori. Institutul Confucius și predarea limbii chineze au fost dezvoltate in Romania. Ambasada Chinei a sponsorizat “Bursei ambasadorului chinez”si a organizat doua ceremonii de premiere. Se accelereaza pregatirile de infiintare aInstitutului Cultural Chinez la Bucuresti.
Evenimentele majore și evenimentele fericite din cadrul relațiilor bilaterale sunt incurajatoare, insa nu trebuie sa uitam ca proiectele majore de cooperare dintre cele doua parti sunt incain desfasurare si se asteapta sa se faca mari realizari. Cele doua parti trebuie inca sa faca mai multe eforturi pentru a avansa si a face cooperarea noatra operationala cat mai curand.

Anul acesta marcheaza cea de-a 40-a aniversare a reformei si deschiderii Chinei și 100 de ani de la Marea Unire a Romaniei, iar anul viitor vom sarbatori aniversarea a 70 de ani de la stabilirea relațiilor diplomatice dintre cele douatari, cea de-a 15-a aniversare a stabilirii parteneriatului amplu de prietenie și cooperaredintre China si Romania și pentru prima data cand Romania detine președintia Consiliului UE.Relațiile chino-române si relațiile China-UE se confrunta cu oportunitati bune de dezvoltare. Cred ca ambele parti vor profita cu siguranta de oportunitatea de a lua Initiativa Belt and Road, cooperarea in format 16+1 si parteneriatul strategic cuprinzator China-UE, ca o platforma pentru consolidarea legatura si prietenia noastra.

In ultimii trei ani și patru luni, am vizitat oficial cele 22 de judete pitoresti din Romania, inclusiv Carpatii, magnifica Mare Neagra si splendida Delta Dunarii, am admirat stralucitoara si multiseculara cultura romaneasca, oamenii ospitalieri, toate lucrurile acestea mi-au lasat o impresie profunda. Romania dispune de o multitudine de resurse turistice, suficiente pentru a atrage vizitatori din intreaga lume, inclusiv China, pentru a vizita si a admira. Anul trecut, guvernul roman a simplificat procedurile de acordare a vizelor pentru cetatenii chinezi. Aceasta este o miscare foarte importantasi pozitiva pentru a facilita schimburile de personal dintre cele doua parti. Apreciez profund in numele guvernului nostru acest lucru si mulțumesc cu sinceritate Romaniei pentru eforturile sale de a promova schimburile umaniste intre cele douatari. Se crede ca departamentele si personalitatile relevante nu va risipi nicio clipa pentru a promova cooperarea in domeniul turismului la un nou nivel. Eu si Ambasada Chinei, ca intotdeauna, voi sprijini si ii voi incuraja pe cele doua parti sa efectueze schimburi interumane.

De-a lungul postului in Romania am vizitat oameni in toate partile, si am legat multe prietenii. Nu avem un sentiment de a fi straini in Romania si nu avem nici un impediment in ceea ce priveste distanta atunci cand intram in contact cu prietenii romani. Ei sunt cei mai buni si cei mai respectati prieteni de ai nostri. Ne va fi dor si ne vom aminti de ei. Ei ne-au facut sa ne simtim ca si acasa in Romania.
As dori sa profit de aceasta ocazie pentru a le multumi in mod special oamenilor politici, comunitatii de afaceri, grupurilor de reflectie, mass-mediei, organizatiilor umaniste, organizațiilor neguvernamentale etc., pentru ajutorul si sustinerea acordate mie si ambasadei noastre. Ati netezit calea pentru relatii chino-romane si m-ati ajutat sa-mi implinesc misiunea. Mulțumesc corpului diplomatic, este o mare onoare sa lucram impreuna cu voi in Romania, sa ne impartasim experienta de neuitat si sa ne bucuram de momente frumoase.

Comunitatea chineza in Romania nu e mare, dar e foarte energetica. Apreciez in mod inalt eforturile voastre de a promova cooperarea comerciala si investitionala dintre cele doua tari. Sper ca veti continua sa contribuiti mai mult la relatiile chino-romane. Mulțumesc colegilor din Ambasada pentru stradania si perseverenta de a ma sprijini, si pentru dedicatia voastra profesionala relatiilor chino-romane.

As dori, deasemenea, sa-i mulțumesc sotiei mele, doamnei Tan Yuxiu. Romania este cea de-a patra tara in care m-a insotit la post. A fost si in Afganistan, transformand momente grele intr-un placut episod al vietei. Interactiunea sa cu Organizatiile Femeilor din Romania si doamnele ambasadoare au facut activitatile noastre diplomatice dinamice si pline de bucurie.

In 10 zile, sotia mea si cu mine vom pleca din Romania. Vom reveni in patria noastra cu amintirile minunate despre Romania si cu sentimentele profunde ale oamenilor de aici. Vom reincepe viata noastra in China, dar nu vom uita pe prieteni de aici.

As vrea sa citez marele poet Mihai Eminescu sa-mi exprim cele mai sincere dorinte si cele mai sincere ganduri pentru România:
Ce-ti doresc eu tie, dulce Românie,
Tara mea de glorii, tara mea de dor?
Bratele nervoase, arma de tarie,
La trecutu-ti mare, mare viitor!

Doresc prosperitate Chinei si Romaniei, iar prietenia dintre China si Romania sa fie transmisa din generatie in generatie!”

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