Gold Demetra Honey SRL este o societate cu capital 100% romanesc. Activitățile societății sunt de procesare primară, îmbuteliere și distribuție de miere de albine naturală românească, precum și producția de produse din categoria gourmet, pe bază de miere.

Fabrica noastra este localizata in mijlocul unei zone neatinse de dezvoltarea urbana. Tehnologia moderna permite ca etapa de procesare si imbuteliere a mierii sa fie efectuata in deplina siguranta alimentara, atat din punct de vedere al produsului, cat si al mentinerii calitatilor acestuia prin controlarea automata a temperaturii si umiditatii (cei mai importanti factori in cazul acestui produs), iar echipamentele asigura imbutelierea si etichetarea automata pentru toata gama de produse.

Mierea, produsa 100% in Romania, este selectata de specialistii nostri, pe baza unor criterii stricte de calitate si igiena.
Tehnologia folosita este automatizata, permitand ca procesul de omogenizare si imbuteliere sa fie perfect controlat, produsul final pastrand intreaga bogatie pe care harnicele albine ne-o daruiesc.

Laboratorul de analize propriu asigura igiena si securitatea alimentara, cat si al proprietatilor nutritive ale produselor Aurum.

Visul nostru. Sa facem o marca de succes dintr-un produs Romanesc de succes.
Sa luam ce este mai bun de la natura si sa il modelam pentru prezent si viitor.
Mierea noastra provine de la apicultori traditionali, cu adevarat priceputi in a fauri un produs de calitate, curat, sanatos, autentic.

Studiem continuu, cu profesionalism, variantele de combinatii ale mierii cu alte resurse ale naturii, asa incat toti consumatorii, copii, tineri, maturi sau varstnici, sa gaseasca in gama Aurum produse potrivite cu varsta, activitatea si sanatatea fiecaruia.

In ultimii doi ani echipa noastra a scos pe piata urmatoarele produse:

– Beautiful day –

Miere pura poliflora, gramaj 10g stick, 20g caserola plastic, 30g/150g/300g borcan sticla;

– Bohemian Rhapsody –

Miere cruda poliflora, alune de padure rumenite, pudra de roscove, sare de mare

Bogatia mierii crude poliflore, folosita exact asa cum ne-o aduc albinele, este intregita de fibrele alimentare, acizii grasi esentiali si mononesaturati, proteite continute de alunele de padure, rumenite cat sa elibereze proprietatile natural. Impreuna cu pudra de roscove, o sursa fantastica de antioxidanti, fier, magneziu, cu un raport perfect calciu-fosfor, am obtinut un rezultat delicious, deosebit de hranitor si de grijuliu cu corpul nostru. Am pus si putina sare de mare, bogata in minerale esentiale, fantastic stimulent imunitar.

– Desert Rose –

Miere de tei si susan rumenit

Amestecul de susan si miere cruda de tei ofera o portie zdravana de calciu, fier, magneziu, zinc, insotite de un complex de vitamine si proteine, daruite de susan si aminoacizii atat de necesari, pentru care mierea de tei este renumita.

Mierea cruda de tei favorizeaza asimilarea componentelor, facand din acest amestec un desert ideal pentru partea a doua a zilei, pentru copii si adulti, datorita efectului calmant al teiului si continutului redus de fructoza.

– Baby, it`s cold outside –

Miere cruda poliflora, migdale rumenite, scortisoara, sare de mare

Migdalele rumenite, bogate in antioxidanti, acizi grasi monosaturati, magneziu, calciu si potasiu, alaturi de pudra de scortisoara, antifungic si antiinflamator, sunt maruntite si amestecate cu mierea cruda poliflora, rezultand un amestesc savuros si sanatos, plin de proteine, vitamine si fibre alimentare. Un varf de sare de mare, pentru a multumi pe deplin sistemul imunitar si placerea de a lua o lingurita dimineata.

– I feel good –

Miere poliflora si spirulina

Un produs menit sa asigure organismului o doza gustoasa si sanatoasa de vitamine, proteine si carbohidrati, intr-o formula echilibrata nutritiv de prezenta spirulinei, sursa de aminoacizi esentiali, antioxidanti si minerale.

Mierea poliflora Aurum este selectata de la producatorii de miere in sistem pastoral. Stupii sunt mutati periodic, in zonele de inflorire a florei spontane, astfel incat sursa de productie a mierii este una naturala, neafectata de interventia umana in agricultura de campie.

Mierea Aurum are un gust deosebit, plin de aromele florilor de camp, de deal si forestiere, avand un continut deosebit de ridicat de vitamine din complexul B, vitamina C, enzime si minerale.

Fabrica noastră este certificată ca procesator bio de Austria Bio Garanție.

Societatea noastră este deținătoarea autorizației sanitar veterinare pentru schimburi intracomunitare cu produse alimentare de origine animală – H27, conform legislației comunitare și naționale.

De asemenea, deținem certificarea ISO 22000:2005 privind siguranța alimentelor, implementată de SRAC, organism de certificare acreditat cu cea mai mare recunoaștere a mărcii și certificatelor ca urmare a parteneriatului cu IQNet.

Vă mulțumim pentru timpul acordat materialului nostru de prezentare.


Gold Demetra Honey SRL is a company with 100% Romanian capital.

The company’s activities are primary processing, bottling and distribution of Romanian natural bee honey, as well as the production of gourmet products, based on honey.

Our factory is located in the middle of an area untouched by urban development. Modern technology allows the stage of processing and bottling honey to be carried out in full food safety, both in terms of the product and maintaining its qualities by automatic control of temperature and humidity (the most important factors for this product). The equipment ensures automatic bottling and labeling for the entire range of products.

Our honey, produced 100% in Romania, is selected by our specialists, based on strict quality and hygiene criteria.

The technology used is automated, allowing the homogenization and bottling process to be perfectly controlled, the final product keeps the entire wealth that hardworking bees give us.

Our own analysis laboratory ensures food hygiene and safety, as well as the nutritional properties of Aurum products.

Our dream. Let’s make a successful brand from a successful Romanian product. Let’s take what is best from nature and shape it for the present and future.

Our honey comes from traditional beekeepers, truly skilled in making a quality product, clean, healthy, authentic.

We continuously study, with professionalism, the variants of combinations of honey with other natural resources, so that all consumers, children, young, mature or elderly, can find in the Aurum range products suitable for everyone’s age, activity and health.

In the last two years, our team has launched the following products:

– Beautiful day –

Pure polyfloral honey, 10g stick weight, 20g plastic casserole, 30g / 150g / 300g glass jar;

– Bohemian Rhapsody –

Raw polyfloral honey, brown hazelnuts, carob powder, sea salt

The richness of polyfloral raw honey, used exactly as bees bring us, is complemented by dietary fiber, essential and monounsaturated fatty acids, proteins contained in hazelnuts, browned enough to release the properties naturally. Together with carob powder, a fantastic source of antioxidants, iron, magnesium, with a perfect calcium-phosphorus ratio, we obtained a delicious result, particularly nourishing and caring for our body.

We also put a pinch of sea salt, rich in essential minerals, fantastic immune stimulant.

– Desert Rose –

Linden honey and sesame seeds

The mixture of sesame and raw linden honey offers a healthy portion of calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, accompanied by a complex of vitamins and proteins, given by sesame and the much needed amino acids, for which linden honey is famous.

Raw linden honey promotes the assimilation of components, making this mixture an ideal dessert for the second part of the day, for children and adults, due to the calming effect of linded honey and low fructose content.

– Baby, it`s cold outside –

Raw polyfloral honey, browned almonds, cinnamon, sea salt

Roasted almonds, rich in antioxidants, monounsaturated fatty acids, magnesium, calcium and potassium, along with cinnamon powder, antifungal and anti-inflammatory, are crushed and mixed with polyfloral raw honey, resulting in a tasty and healthy mixture full of protein, vitamins and fiber food. A pinch of sea salt to fully satisfy the immune system and the pleasure of taking a teaspoon in the morning.

– I feel good –

Polyfloral honey and spirulina powder

A product designed to provide the body a tasty and healthy dose of vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates, in a nutritionally balanced formula with the presence of spirulina, a source of essential amino acids, antioxidants and minerals.

Aurum polyfloral honey is selected from pastoral honey producers.

The hives are periodically moved to the flowering areas of the spontaneous flora, so that the source of honey production is a natural one, unaffected by human intervention in plain agriculture.

Aurum honey has a special taste, full of aromas of wildflowers, hills and forests, with a very high content of B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, enzymes and minerals.

Our factory is certified as an organic processor by Austria Bio Warranty.

Our company is the holder of the veterinary authorization for intra-Community trade in food of animal origin – H27, according to Community and national legislation.

We also hold the ISO 22000: 2005 food safety certification, implemented by SRAC, the accredited certification body with the highest brand and certificate recognition as a result of the partnership with IQNet.

Thank you for your time with our presentation material.

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