Regizorul român Călin Peter Netzer se va afla în juriul Festivalului Internațional de Film de la Beijing, 15-22 Aplilie 2018, prezidat de WONG Kar Wai. Din juriu mai fac parte regizorul Rob COHEN si actrița chineză SHU Qi. Festivalul, ajuns la a opta ediție, se va desfășura între 15 și 22 aprilie, în mai multe locații din capitala chineză.
Dupa “ZILELE FILMULUI CHINEZESC IN ROMANIA 2014” unde invitaţii speciali au fost cunoscutul producător, regizor şi actor Jackie Chan şi actriţa Zhang Ziyi si delegatia de la sfarsitul anului 2016 – ” FESTIVALUL FILMULUI ROMANESC IN CHINA”, evenimente organizate de Casa Romano-Chineza in parteneriat cu organisme din Romania si din China, la initiativa secretarului general al Casei Romano-Chineze, domnul Nicolae Dumitru, parteneriatul a venit cu surprize placute din partea chineza:
In 2016, filmul “Aferim!”, regizat de Radu Jude, a rulat în deschiderea festivalului de la Beijing, și a primit premiul Tiantan pentru cea mai bună imagine. Membru al jurului Festivalului Internațional de Film de la Beijing ediția 2016 a fost si regizorul Corneliu Porumboiu.
La editia din 2017, regizorul român Radu Jude a facut parte din juriul Festivalului Internaţional de Film de la Beijing, editia a 7-a, alături de cunoscutul actor francez Jean Reno, competiţie, unde a participat şi pelicula românească „Două lozuri”, regizată de Paul Negoescu.
Este notabil si faptul ca in anul 2017 Cristian Mungiu a fost ales Presedinte al juriului celei de a 20 –a competitii a „Shanghai International Film Festival”, iar filmul “Scurtcircuit” / “Fault Condition” in regia lui Cătălin Saizescu devenea primul film românesc selectat în competiția oficială a Shanghai International Film Festival (Festival Clasa A); Golden Goblet Award este competiția principală a festivalului, în care a fost selectat și filmul românesc Scurtcircuit, care a câștigat “Premiul Pentru Realizări Artistice Remarcabile”; lungmetrajele Occident, 4 luni, 3 săptămâni şi 2 zile, După dealuri și Bacalaureat au putut fi văzute în cadrul programului Jury President Collection, în timp ce Inimi cicatrizate (regia Radu Jude) a rulat în secțiunea Panorama – „The Belt and Road” Unit a Festivalului de la Shanghai. Organizatorii au acordat premiul filmului “Scurtcircuit” pentru curajul “de a atinge drame contemporane delicate și abilitatea de a combina perspective diferite asupra aceluiași adevăr”. Din distribuţie fac parte si Maia Morgenstern, George Ivaşcu sau Dorel Vişan care impreuna cu producătorul Carmen Tripadus si Casa Romano-Chineza reprezentata de Tibi H. au participat intre 14-24 Noiembrie 2016 la “Festivalului Filmului Românesc în China”.
In 2018 Casa Romano-Chineza ureaza success regizorului român Călin Peter Netzer care se va afla în juriul Festivalului Internațional de Film de la Beijing, ediatia a opta. Tot anul acesta, la Berlinala 2018, Călin Peter Netzer, s-a aflat în juriul care a acordat premiul pentru cel mai bun lungmetraj de debut unde filmul Adinei Pintilie “Nu mă atinge-mă” a fost marele câștigător al Berlin International Film Festival.
Introduction of the 8th Beijing International Film Festival – source:
The 8th Beijing International Film Festival (BJIFF) is held by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of the People’s Republic of China and the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality, and organized by the Film Bureau of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of the People’s Republic of China, China Radio International (CRI), Beijing Municipal Bureau of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (Beijing Municipal Bureau of Copyright), Huairou District People’s Government of Beijing Municipality, Beijing TV Station (BTV) and Beijing Enterprises Group Real-estate Co., Ltd. It will be held from April 15th to 22nd, 2018, and consist of seven major sections including Tiantan Award selection, Opening Ceremony, Beijing Film Panorama, Theme Forum, Film Market, Film Carnival, Closing & Awards Ceremony, as well as hundreds of relevant activities.
Călin Peter NETZER was born in 1975 (May, 1st) in Petrosani, Romania. In 1983, he immigrated to Germany together with his parents. From 1984 he has been living in Stuttgart where he graduated from elementary school and high school. In 1994, after graduation, he started the courses of the Theatre and Film University of Bucharest, Romania, Film Direction Department, and in 1999 he obtained his diploma as film director. His short & feature films (both entitled Maria) were screened in prestigious festivals around the world and won awards in Locarno (Grand Prize of the Jury and the Bronze Leopards for the actors). The feature film was also nominated for the EFA Awards in 2003. His next feature, Medal of Honor (2009), was selected in more than 30 festivals and awarded in Thessaloniki with the Silver Alexander and four other prizes, in Turin, Miami, Durres, Los Angeles, Zagreb. Child’s Pose (2013) is his 3rd feature film awarded with the Golden Bear at 63rd Berlin International Film Festival, the first Romanian feature to receive this award and Romania’s official entry for Academy Awards – Best Foreign Language Film in 2013. With his most recent feature, Ana, mon amour (2017), Călin returned to the Official Selection in Berlinale and received the Silver Bear for Outstanding Artistic Contribution.
Thanks to its constant improvement in guest lineup, quality of competing and exhibiting films and international influence since its inception in 2011, BJIFF that has been a large annual cultural carnival of Beijing with the most international influence now establishes itself into an exchange platform between domestic and foreign films, a trend-maker of the film market, an incubator of new works and talents and a new brand of the culture of Beijing.
Tiantan Award, the Competition Section set up in 2013, has attracted some 3,200 registered films from over 90 countries and regions and invited some 40 world famous directors and masters as judges; Honored to present brilliant and starring Opening and Closing Ceremonies, the Red Capet Sessions of each BJIFF witness some 400 film stars, presidents of film festivals, film institutions and top executives of film groups from all over the world. In the past seven years, it has organized over 5,000 panoramas and activities for 2,400 choice masterpieces with high artistic merit and appreciation, which is warmly received by fans and audiences and has become a phenomenal cultural event of Beijing recurring each April; Over 170 renowned Chinese and foreign film professionals have attended the Theme Forum, discussing on frontier issues of the film industry and guiding development of industry; Contract value of Film Market has risen from CNY2.794 billion in the first BJIFF to CNY17.458 billion in the seventh, amounting to a total of CNY74.953 billion. With contracted projects covering the whole industry chain, it is now one of the largest film markets in Asia. Box offices of the films exhibited, financed and promoted at the VC platform of the Film Market have topped an accumulative value of CNY2 billion, of which some are finalized or winning works at famous international film festivals; Film Carnival has developed into a Huairou-based activity system that has attracted millions of participants, driving the development of China (Huairou) Movie and Television Industry Demonstration District; BJIFF widely absorbs various relevant activities, actively explores new works and talents and comprehensively promotes film culture.
China is currently the engine for the global film industry development and Beijing is the aggregation of core film resources of China. In the meantime, Beijing is expediting its building as a National Cultural Center and an International Exchange Center. As an excellent platform and carrier for external communication of the Chinese culture and exchange of the international film culture, BJIFF is now drawing attention of the global film circle. Presidents or representatives from international films festivals including Tokyo International Film Festival, Montreal World Film Festival, Toronto International Film Festival, top executives or representatives from international guilds including Motion Picture Association of America(MPAA), UniFrance Films, British Film Institute(BFI), German Films, Associazione Nazionale Industrie Cinematografiche Audiovisive eMultimediali (ANICA) and Polish Film Institute (PISF), hundreds of domestic and foreign film enterprises and tens of thousands of film professionals will join the 8th BJIFF, working together for a bright blueprint of the world film industry.