“Romanian – Chinese House” – in full ascension by Nine O’ Clock

Our association bears an emblematic title: “ROMANIAN CHINESE-HOUSE”. This reflects the efforts and aspirations of Romania and China to bring our people closer, their endeavors to live in agreement, in complex economic, social and cultural collaboration, economic, which will ensure a destiny of peace and prosperity.

We remember with respect that leaders of the two countries, along history promoted bilateral relations, mutual trust and advantageous cooperation, which define Romanian-Chinese relation. In these years, we notice an inventory of events and creative experiences, in which along with the entire staff of the House we managed to fully configure our profile of bilateral relations, mutual trust and cooperation promoter. We covered the years with a landscape of dynamic events, initiatives and consistent actions, with approaches able to contribute to widening pragmatic collaboration, on multiple levels, between the two friend countries.

It stands out the option to sustain and develop cooperation with our Chinese friends by setting up branches of the Romanian-Chinese House in different areas of the country. Their main objective is on a traditional line: to help promote and develop the friendly relations between Romania and China also in the Districts.

It is a fact , that everywhere in the country where subsidiary of RCH are organized, were conducted programs and activities in various fields of common interest, primarily aimed at knowing and promoting traditions, values ​, culture, language and history of the two countries; They also stimulated links between Romanian companies operating in the counties and Chinese companies. It may be reported in counties the promotion of investment projects at the local public administration in the Chinese business environment and also the attraction of investments by Chinese companies under the public private partnership. Moreover: given the existence of subsidiaries in various places were established links between institutions and local communities with other institutions and communities and provinces in China, for twinning purposes, as well as the deployment of partnership projects. There are many situation in which branches ensure legal and legislative advice for Chinese citizens residing or operating in the county and also organizes social, cultural and educational services for local Chinese communities. In this context of friendly cooperation, there are increasing requests to set up branches of the Romanian-Chinese House. Among the oldest branches we remind those in Hunedoara (September 2011), Giurgiu (March 2012), Vaslui (November 2012), Dolj (July 2013).Appreciations for the activities program of the Romanian-Chinese House, found in recent years, is evidenced by feedback from the field for establishing new branches, under statute.

We remind those from Arad (March 2014), Timişoara (May 2015), Harghita (November 2015). We note in particular the outstanding support received from most branches of the visits made ​​over the years by Ambassador Huo Yuzhen more recently by Ambassador Xu Feihong and the central leadership of the Friendship House who have supported and assisted the development of local initiatives and actions. This year we will open branches of the Romanian-Chinese House in Piteşti, (Argeş branch) and Suceava (Suceava branch). In both programs of the Chinese Embassy and the central RCH management are provided support and sustaining actions for the established subsidiaries, which have a notorious activity. The action program of all RCH subsidiaries in the country expresses a unique message: to contribute at the promoting and development of the friendship relations between Romania and China at the level of current requirements, taking into account the level of development of our countries.

source: www.nineoclock.ro, September 27, 2016

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