Gala Anului Nou Chinezesc 2015

Anul Nou Chinezesc a fost sărbătorit luni seară la Teatrul Excelsior

Intrarea în Anul Nou Chinezesc, Anul Caprei de lemn, a fost sărbătorită luni seară, 16 februarie 2015, de comunitatea chinezească din București printr-un spectacol de gală care a avut loc pe scena Teatrului Excelsior, un spectacolorganizat de Casa Romano-Chineza.

“Anul Nou Chinezesc este un moment de sărbătoare, este un moment de unire familială”, a spus ambasadorul Republicii Populare Chineze la București, Xu Feihong, în deschiderea evenimentului.

Ambasadorul a amintit de relația de prietenie tradițională dintre România și China, precizând că schimburile culturale dintre cele două țări se întind pe o perioadă lungă.

“China și România au o prietenie tradițională și schimburile culturale au o durată lungă. Acum sărbătorim 65 de ani de relații diplomatice și relațiile noastre devin din ce în ce mai solide și mai strânse, acest lucru datorându-se și schimburilor frecvente culturale dintre cele două țări și popoare, fiindcă prin schimburi culturale cele două țări pot să aibă o înțelegere mai profundă, mai bună”, a declarat ambasadorul Xu Feihong.

Vicepremierul Gabriel Oprea, președinte al Casei Româno-Chineze, a amintit că relația de prietenie româno-chineză, de la începutul căreia se sărbătoresc 65 de ani, “este cel mai important lucru”.

“Este o mare onoare pentru Guvernul României, pentru toți românii și pentru membrii Casei româno-chineze să vă primească într-un moment deosebit. Anul Caprei este anul în care vă spunem ‘La mulți ani!’ și cred eu că este cel mai important lucru pentru relația de prietenie pe care o sărbătorim: 65 de ani de prietenie româno-chineză. (…) Cred că este cel mai important lucru în această perioadă, în care sunt foarte multe probleme economice, mondiale, de securitate, ca două popoare, atât de departe unul de altul, să sărbătorească 65 de ani de prietenie dovedită în perioade grele de timp, că putem sărbători această prietenie consolidată dintre poporul român și Republica Populară Chineză”, a afirmat Gabriel Oprea.

Spectacolul de gală a fost deschis cu unul dintre momentele tradiționale chinezești, Dansul Leului, urmat de o demonstrație de arte marțiale. Seara a continuat cu orchestra Colegiului Național de Artă “Dinu Lipatti”, condusă de dirijorii Racu Nicolae și Racu Andrei. În program au fost prezente atât melodii din cultura chinezească, cât și melodii din cultura românească. Spectacolul a fost încheiat cu o reprezentație oferită de pianistul Horia Mihai și violonistul Gabriel Croitor.

Evenimentul a fost organizat de Casa Româno-Chineză și la el au mai participat fostul ministru de Externe Teodor Meleșcanu și numeroși invitați.
Pe 18 februarie, conform astrologiei orientale, intrăm în anul Caprei de lemn.

AGERPRES/(AS — autor: Petronius Craiu, editor: Florin Marin) marţi, 17 Feb 2015,

Speech at the Arrival Reception—By H.E. Ambassador Mr. Xu Feihon
(Feb. 17th, 2015, Chinese Embassy in Romania)

Distinguished Vice Prime Minister,H.E. Mr.Gabriel Oprea,
Distinguished Ministers, Members of the Parliament,
Your Excellency,
Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good evening! It is a very pleasant moment for me and my wife, Mrs. Tan Yuxiu, to have so many guests here today to attend the reception. Today’s reception has dual significance that marks the assumption of my office as 22th ambassador of China to this beautiful country and celebrates the Chinese Lunar New Year, GOAT YEAR. The double happiness is not only for me but also for everybody at present.
Geographical distance separates China and Romania, leaving them far away from each other in the Eurasia continent. The separation builds up physical difficulties to the direct contacts of the peoples, but never stops their mutual admiration. For me, Romania is not a strange land at all. When I was young, I was charmed with the wonderful Romanian movie and music. When I was working in the European Affairs Department of Chinese Foreign Ministry, I visited Romania three times. Each time as I came here, the Romanian people’s hospitalityalways made me feel at home, leaving me a delightful and deep impression.
On January24th, I came back as Chinese new ambassador with an honor. 5 days later, Ipresented credentials to H.E. Mr. President Klaus Iohannis. Courtesy calls started after that, covering senior officials from Romanian government, Parliament and diplomatic Corps residing in the city. I have been granted during my calls by great sincerity and support by Romanian friends to fulfill my new and important mission, confidence of mine strengthened therefrom.
As is known to all, Romania became the 3rd country to establish diplomatic relations withNew China65 years ago.Time is running but can never disconnect the strong ties between the two countries. Ourtraditional friendship has sustained and enhanced day by day, in spite of the rapid and dramatic changes of the international situation over the past decades. Wehave always respected and supported each other, being “friends in need” and “friends indeed”.
With the momentum of 65years’ development, Sino-Romanian relations is ushered into a new stage. The cooperation between our two sides is comprehensive, multi-level and wide-ranging from politics, economy to cultureand so forth. Now, the Chinese people are striving to build a well-off society in all aspects and realize the Chinese dream of great national rejuvenation. The Romanian people are also devoting themselves to economic prosperity and full integration into the EU. As emerging economies with great potentials, both China and Romania are at their critical stage of development. Propelled by the strong political will to cooperate with each other, we can give full play to the complementary advantages of the two economies. Shared dreams and common pursuitsboundus closely together, providing aneven brighter future for the development of our bilateral relations.
At the juncture when Chinese lunar new year starts, it is quite natural to look forward to the future with great expectation. A Chinese proverb says, “The fire burns high when everybody adds fuel”. To maintain a good relationship between China and Romania needs the care and support of the two governments and peoplesas well as everybody at present. As the new ambassador, I am willing to make joint efforts with you, by making full use of the “16+1” cooperation platform, grasping the opportunity of building China-EU partnership for peace, growth, reform and civilization, to further deepen the mutual political trust and pragmatic cooperation in various fields. Mayour two countries havethe relations step forward firmly, and the two peoplesshare itsbenefits.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I believe quite a fewfriends here have been to China, even for many times.Your focus on China encourages me to say a few more words aboutChina’s development.In the past year, China’s GDP grew by 7.4%, and her contribution to world economic growth amounts to 27.8%. China’s trade volumne with foreign countries totaled $4.3 trillion.And ourannual foreign direct investment reached $102.9 billion. However, China is still the world’s biggest developing country.The per capita GDP is only around $6700. With the profound adjustments in the world economy, China’s economy is continuously facing pressure. In spite of the challenges, we will maintain our strategic focus toimprove the quality andefficiency of economic development. Chinese President Xi Jinping brought forward the “One Belt and One Road” initiative, which offers us a new opportunity for the further development of China as well as the rest of the world. We are more than happy to work together with countries all around the world, includingRomania, to seek joint development and common prosperity.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Tomorrow is Eve of Chinese New Year.On this occasion, I would like to wish all the Chinese living in Romania,the Romanian friends , ambassadors and everyone good health, family happiness and success! “XIN NIAN HAO”! Happy New Year!
Thank you very much indeed!

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